Thirsk Hall, Thirsk, YO7 1PL.
Open 11am to 4pm with unlimited parking in the many car parks within Thirsk town centre.
Admission is £5.00 per Adult, Children FREE.
Card preferred, but cash is fine, on the gate, or you can prebook your tickets on the Thirsk Hall website.
It was a scorcher last year! We held the fair within the gardens which meant for a very tight squeeze for some of the vehicles with access, so this year we shall be spilling out into the park directly in front of the hall. The Sculpture Garden, with exhibits inside the garden and in the parkland, will all be on display and refreshments will be served beside the Hall.
As always we have a wonderful selection of plant nurseries and garden accessory stands attending – something for everyone and I look forward to seeing you there.
As always we have a wonderful selection of plant nurseries and garden accessory stands attending – something for everyone and I look forward to seeing you there.
Alfresco Design Luke is based near Doncaster, Yorkshire and always has an incredible display of garden accessories. Ornamental delights including his iron trees, rusty plant supports, flying swallows, pots and planters and water baths. It’ll be interesting to see what he has in store for us this year.
Fayrefield Horticulture and Garden Design Tracey is based at Seamer, near Scarborough and specialises in pollinator plants. She always brings an interesting selection of herbaceous and annual plants, wild flowers, vegetable plants and herbs as well as her own hand made willow sculptures including hares and dragonflies.
Field Flowers & Plants New to Flower Power, we welcome Tom Fields with his interesting collections of cacti, succulents, outdoor perennials, trees and shrubs.
Freckles and Flora Another new nursery to Flower Power this year is Henrietta based in Kirby Wiske near Thirsk. She will be bringing a variety of herbaceous plants, specifically umbels, asters, choice annuals all grown in her own homegrown peat free compost.
Fruit Works Co-Operative Fruit Works Co-operative hail from Leeds and help to promote fruit trees, including apples, pears and fruit bushes. In fact anything that produces juices for us to drink or use. They are passionate about their products and hope to encourage us all to plant at least one fruit tree/bush in our garden. NEW to Flower Power Fairs so give them a warm welcome and say hello.
Gardening with Wildlife A cornucopia of amazing things which Matthew has lovingly created out of discarded wood, wire, paper and anything else he can get his hands on. A large selection of hand made and correctly built bird boxes, hedgehog homes, owl boxes and habitat hotels. Aided and abetted by his wife, Fran, who creates many of the other items they sell, often with delightful decoupage pots and planters, sea glass creations, recycled copper items and Ben who is also a gifted wood turner in his own right bringing quality pens and wooden bowls. Gardening with wildlife is for anyone who wishes to tempt our birds, bees and mammals into our gardens.
Gatekeeper Nurseries Based in East Yorkshire, Gatekeeper always bring a smorgasbord selection of incredible plants from climbers to creepers, shade lovers to shrubs, herbaceous favourites and early flowering plants. All grown in Yorkshire.
Giddy Kippers Joanna and Barry are based in Nottinghamshire and over the years have got themselves a great reputation for growing all sorts of herbs, both culinary and medicinal, as well as vegetable plants, sun flowers and other interesting herbaceous perennials. This year they will be bringing a choice of cutting garden perennials for your gardens.
Morton Nurseries Gill is based near Newark and over the years has created the most wonderful garden from what had been an empty field. She always brings delights! Specialising in very unusual plants and shrubs, you won’t be disappointed. Gold medal winners at RHS shows and Harrogate Flower Shows in previous years.
Northern Ark Nursery Many of you will remember Simon, the previous owner of Northern Ark. He sold out his business a couple of years ago and we are thrilled to welcome new owner, Ian Robson, to Flower Power. Depending on the season, Ian will be bringing his hardy herbs (they live in Northumberland!) 95% of which has been grown from their own cuttings. All grown in their own peat free compost.
Priorswood Clematis Based in Hertfordshire, James has become a “standing dish” at the Flower Power Fairs for several years bringing a mouth-watering selection of their very own clematis, lonicera, jasmine, hardy Passiflora, Trachelospermum and Wisteria. And hot off their GOLD at the Harrogate Flower Show too.
Respect Soaps Sandra’s stand always smells delicious with her huge variety of home made soaps, earth kind soap for hair, hands and body care items plus a small selection of scented home items. Wonderful quality and I can highly recommend her shampoos.
RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds will be our main charity this year, bringing knowledge and passion to our wonderful garden birds. Please consider joining the society to help our, sadly, diminishing bird life.
Summerfield Nursery Based in Poppleton, York, Phil and Steph have been supporting Flower Power more or less from the start. They have a wonderful nursery just outside York. Phil will be bringing a large collection of grasses, shade lovers, ferns, hardy herbaceous, hostas, heuchera and so much more.
Thirsk Hall Produce and Goodies Stand Thirsk Hall will have their own stand this year. Vegetables, fruits and all sorts of interesting things will be on sale.